Please examine the different entries in each category and choose which photograph you enjoy the most or which photo that you believe has the best view point. The voting form is located at the bottom of the page after the entries are shown. Please keep in mind some pictures may appear distorted even though we try our best to keep everything sized correspondingly. Each category has three different qualifiiers to pick from. Please choose one picture form each category that you believe is the best contestant. Only one picture may be chosen so choose wisely! We appreciate all of your entries, get creative and have fun!
You may only choose one option so choose wisely!


Option A

Animal Option A
Option A: This submission entry was taken at this individuals family farm. They take care of the horses on weekends and the photograpaher used their subject point as thier beautiful horse. They took a trail through the barn and caught this stunning image.

Option B

Animal Option B
Option B: This photographer loves playing with their kitten anc got creative with this entry. They caught this stunning image of their cat playing with a feather toy. The sunlight creating such deapth is breathtaking.

Option C

Animal Option C
While exploring on vacation this photographer entered this unique photo of a baby elephant and their momma. The detail on their body is exquisite from the lense this photographer used.


Option A

People Option A
This adorable set of siblings were caught with the sunset behind them on a beautiful trail. The use of the time of day created amazing lighting behind these cute faces.

Option B

People Option B
The use of central focus within this photograph is breathtaking. The lighting enhances the mood that these ladies exhibit in this image. The photographer has unique and creative uses of detail within their submission.

Option C

People Option C
This family portait is absolutely beautiful. The photographer created depth with the different heights that each individual is resting at. The models in this portrait are all stunning, the photographer complimented their features well.


Option A

Nature Option A
This photograph is breath taking all around. The water ripples with the sunset is a gorgeous combination. The colors of teh sky reflecting win this photograph is absolutely beautiful.

Option B

Nature Option B
The mountains in the background of this scenery is an amazing view. The green colors within the trees pop and are exhibited throughout the water as well. The color contrast from the sky and mountains to the water draws the eye in.

Option C

Nature Option C
The smokey skyline fading behidn the front rows of trees are imaginable. The depth that the fog shows between the trees creates a sense of mystery and wonder. This idea is very unique.
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Thank you for your time looking through our talented entries! If your favorite wins give them a wonderful congradulations in the chat forum within the winners gallery. There is always a chance to enter again in the next contest as well as vote for your favorite competition. Continue to show compassion and kindess to all of those who entered, do not put forth any negative connotations. Thank you for your time in our voting process as well. We appreciate all of your opinions and suggestions. If there is any additions that you wish to see added within the voting mechanisms please contact us below. This community is a safe and encouraging place, keep up the great work!