Rule 1. Keep all photographs family friendly to the proper extent. This means we do not allow innapropriate images that can be hurtful or harmful to others, nudity is prohibited, and no harmful dangerous acts. This community is safe to those of all ages and we will not tolerate the use of innapropriate content. Images can be creative and excentric but keep eveything to a respectible minimum. Stories can be expressed through various situations, but we do not want to see any gruesome violent activities displayed. We want everyone to be safe and considerate of all participants that enter this domain.

A photograph with central focus on beautiful white flowers and a blurry background creating depth.

Rule 2. Only one image in each category may be submitted at a time. We want everyone to have a fair and equal chance of winning. Please understand that a limit on these submissions is necessary in controlling the content involved in the contests. With the allowance of one photograph per category, everyone has the same chance as each other in competition.

A swan in the water
A stunning swan getting ready to leap out the water with their wings wide open.

Rule 3. There is only one vote allowed per category nor will there be any cheating allowed. Everyone is held to the same equal standard as the rule above. We do not want anyone sending massive votes to a particular contestant in an unfair manner. With allowing one vote per user in each category the level of fairness can be upheald throughout each competition. We do not tolerate bots that are used for voting scams nor do we tolerate fraudlunt entries. Each individual must keep thier single entry thier own creation and we will remove any photographs that have been stolen from a different user.

Woman by a shoreline
A smiling model in the cold weather enjoying the shoreline.

Category 1. Animals! This category can pertain any type of animal whether they are small or large, exotic or a household pet, young or old, and more. Please refrain from innaropriate conent within the photographs per the rules. Be creative with the environemnts and content within the photos.

Deer Photo
A stunning deer photographed out in the autumn forest.

Category 2. People! Any photographs that involve humans as the main focal point is the content for this category. There is no limit to the amount of people that are needed within the photographs whether it is a single person or a large group. Photograph your family, your friends, a model, or even yourself in a portrait.

Children Photoshoot
Adorable little children caught having their own photoshoot.

Category 3. Nature! Nature can be anything in the environments around us, tourist spots, forests, flower fields, anything you can imagine and explore! The beauty of nature has no limits, experiment with the weather rain or shine, the lighting night or day, be creative. A vast of ideas can range from your local park, a body of water, season changes, city lights, transportation, anything! Please keep in mind to focus on anything that is not related to the other categories within the site.

Orange Flowers
A stunning photograph of of a beautiful yellow butterfly landing on unique orange flowers.